More Bats!

Fava and Dandy

This week has been bats both in the sense of a bit crazy, as well as in the sense of good fortune.  (Bats are am emblem of good luck in Chinese culture.)

First of all, I’m happy to announce that DreamForge magazine is launching its new year with a very cool Kickstarter.  The Kickstarter not only includes some great deals on print and/or digital subscriptions, but also opportunities to become a part of the DreamCasters on-line writing group, and to bid on a variety of manuscript reviews and other treats for the writer in your life (or even for yourself).

Officially, the magazine’s current name is DreamForge Anvil to reflect that it not only includes great non-dystopian Science Fiction and Fantasy (as well as the occasional zombie tale) but also articles about the craft of writing.  It is fully illustrated, in color, which is an increasing rarity.  If you opt for the print version, you can count on the stories being printed in a readable font.  I highly recommend.

My second bit of crazy good is that today marks twelve weeks since I had surgery to repair my right rotator cuff.  Yesterday, I met with the surgeon and he seems happy with my progress.  He also told me that while the difficulties I have had with my finger dexterity are not common, they are not unknown.  Interestingly, they can occur either when a shoulder has been injured (as with me) or when a hand has been injured, then the shoulder may experience difficulties.  The important thing is whether or not the difficulty improves over time.  Since mine is, I should get my finger dexterity back in time.

So, I’m not “all better,” but there’s hope that if I keep up with my PT and don’t do anything too stupid, I’ll continue to improve.

Finally, several of you asked if there are audiobook pages for the first two of my Over Where novels.  I’m happy to say you can find the page for Library of the Sapphire Wind here, and for Aurora Borealis Bridge here.  The pages not only include audio samples, but other little extras, including easy links to various vendors who carry the audiobooks.

That’s it for this week.  Once again, I handled my own typing, which was a bit of a challenge, but I’m just happy to have been able to do it!  Soon I hope to start doing the Friday Fragments again, but not quite yet.

Take care… 

6 Responses to “More Bats!”

  1. Beverly Martin Says:

    Thumbs up! (Or which ever digits need exercise!) ; )

  2. Kim Says:

    I’ve always found it interesting how connected everything in the arm is. I used to have a lot of wrist trouble (partly due to injury, partly due to repetitive strain), and sometimes the pain travelled to my elbow. My doctor told me that’s very common, as is the reverse (“tennis elbow” resulting in wrist pain). So it doesn’t surprise me that the shoulder and wrist can be connected in a similar way.

    Glad to hear you’re mending, even if it’s proving to be a little more difficult than anticipated!

  3. Sherry Says:

    Congrats on being able to type some on your own, although Jim gets accolades, too, for all he’s done typing for you! Now, don’t overdo it. I’m sure you’re wise enough to know that.
    I did not know bats were considered good luck in Chinese culture. I’ve always found bats fascinating, little flying mammals that they are. About two months ago, I wandered into the living room still blurry-eyed with sleep and noticed a brown smudge on the wall in the darkest corner. Yes, my eyesight is terrible! Viewing it from across the room with binoculars, it was a bat! He seemed perfectly content hanging upside down sleeping. My husband started to panic wondering how we were going to catch the bat and put him outside. I told him we weren’t! I waited until dusk approached, ushered my cats into another room, closed the doors to the living room, opened the unscreened sliding glass door and waited. I wasn’t patient enough to wait in the darkening room until the bat decided to leave, but when I checked around 9 pm he was gone. He hasn’t come back. I have no idea how he managed to get inside in the first place, nor why he would want to, but it was interesting having a bat sleeping on my wall for the day. Bon Voyage, little bat!

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