Legends Walking Transforms Into Changer’s Daughter

I’m thrilled to announce that the sequel to one of my most requested books is now

Changer and Changer's Daughter

available both in e-book formats and as a print on demand publication.  To my astonishment, many of the people who love Changer aren’t aware that there is a sequel.  Part of this is no doubt due to the radically different cover art approach and the title Avon insisted we use.

Although issued under the title Legends Walking, Changer’s Daughter was my original title.  In the introduction to this new edition, I discuss how the title came to be changed.  I also unveil some of the behind-the-scenes issues and interests that contributed to the book’s evolution.

The introduction is not the only new material included in Changer’s Daughter.  I’m also including the only (at least to this point) athanor short story.  “Witches’-broom, Apple Soon” was first published in 2004 in the anthology Faerie Tales, edited by Martin H. Greenberg and Russell Davis.  It’s a story of Shahrazad the coyote, Demetrios the faun, witches’-brooms and a woman who hunts them.  Over the years, the anthology has become increasingly hard to find, so I decided to reprint the story here.

There’s also a spiffy new cover designed by Pati Nagle.  There’s a funny story to go with the cover…  Initially, when we were looking at art, Pati sent me a series of nice but predictable coyote pictures.  Even without seeing them, you know what I mean: a stately standing coyote, a coyote howling, a coyote quizzically studying the photographer.  Nice, but not with the flare I’d been hoping for.  I asked Pati to surprise me and she certainly did!

Her second search came up with the magnificent snarling fellow who graces the front of Changer, but it was another photo that really startled me.  I’d been re-reading the manuscript of Changer’s Daughter in the process of preparing it for publication.  After viewing the second selection of photos Pati sent me, I e-mailed her: “You’ve just sent me a picture of the scene I was reading today!”  That photo became the cover of Changer’s Daughter.  I invite you to see if you can guess which scene I was reading at the time.

So, even if you already own Legends Walking, there’s lots here to make this book an appealing addition to your collection.

Changer’s Daughter is available both for Kindle and for Nook.  If you prefer a book to hold in your hands (my archaic preference) you can also buy the print-on-demand version from Create Space.

Welcome to reality!

9 Responses to “Legends Walking Transforms Into Changer’s Daughter”

  1. heteromeles Says:

    I still have my copy of Legends Walking, but (as you undoubtedly know) it was a pain to find when it came out new all those many years ago. I bought both the copies I saw, one for me, one for my parents (who are also fans). No kudos to Avon on marketing that one. I’m glad to see that story and Witches Broom are back in print.

    Given the fights about online privacy in social media cropping up right now, it might be fun to revisit the Athanor. They’d be dealing with a world where any bunyip can be geolocated, and that information shot straight to Google Maps and the Cloud. I just got a smartphone, and it’s both exhilarating and scary to be out hiking, take a picture, and email it to yourself, while realizing that it will be really hard to delete the tracking information your phone is sending out all the time. That’s a lot of change to pile on people who are used to planning for the really long term.

  2. Tori Says:

    This is great news!! Thank you (and Pati too!) so much for making this happen!

  3. Dominique Says:

    Really exciting to have these books available again! Thank you soooo much!

  4. janelindskold Says:

    Thanks for the enthusiasm. I hope you’ll spread the word.

    It amazes me how even in this web-sophisticated world, people don’t find things. For example, _heteromeles_ mentioned the trouble he went to to find copies of _Legends Walking_. Well, it’s been available on my website bookstore for a long time.

    By the by, many of my out of print works are available directly from me and I provide signed and personalized copies at no extra charge — unlike sports or media personalities!

    Anyhow, I figure the athanor will do fine even in this world of mass communication. You see, there’s so much wrong information out there that even if someone offered a map of every bunyip (and I think the bunyips will just take more care to hide) no one would believe it.

    Photo evidence? Photoshop has eliminated the validity of that.

    So, basically, it’s easier — not harder — to hide!

  5. Paul Says:

    Great covers! I still have my paper copies but will have to add these. My hope is they will generate such a buzz that you will have to write (at least) a third athanor novel!

  6. heteromeles Says:

    Jane, to clarify, I went to the trouble when it first came out. I was trying to give business to my local bookstore, not BigBrazilianRiver.

    • janelindskold Says:

      I am a big fan of giving work to my local bookstores, too!

      In fact, if you look at my website, I have links to various places where people can find signed books without coming to me so that I can support those places that have been kind enough to host a signing.

      I put my website bookstore together reluctantly, because I hated competing with my own allies, but when they could no longer find the books, I felt it was a courtesy to my readers to make them available.

  7. Other Jane Says:

    I’m excited to hear you’re releasing both as an ebook and print…with the proper title for “Changer’s Daughter.” (I’ve called it by that name for years anyway.) I’m going to need the actual book to replace my old falling apart copy. But I’d also like a copy on my kindle too.

  8. Mary Says:

    Loved the first edition, and would enjoy having a copy of Changer’s Daughter, but – the print on demand company I was sent to does not use PayPal so – regrets – I’ll have to wait until it comes to a local store me.

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