FF: Where I Turn

Tricky Furball in My Sink

It’s been an insane week, one in which I’ve been grateful for the chance to escape into a good book.

For those of you unfamiliar with this column, the Friday Fragments lists what I’ve read over the past week.  Most of the time I don’t include details of either short fiction (unless part of a book-length collection) or magazines.  The Fragments are not meant to be a recommendation list.  If you’re interested in a not-at-all-inclusive recommendation list, you can look on my website under Neat Stuff.

Once again, this is not a book review column.  It’s just a list with, maybe, a bit of description or a few opinions tossed in.

Recently Completed:

Flowers for the Judge by Margery Allingham.  A locked strong room mystery tied to a disappearance many years before.

Trickster’s Choice by Tamora Pierce.  Audiobook.  Excellent and compelling—and surprisingly on-target in some of its elements, especially when addressing the current state of affairs.  A trickster with an agenda certainly would explain a lot.

In Progress:

Dancers in Mourning by Margery Allingham.  Musical theater and country house combine to make an interesting setting for this tale of not-so-accidental death.

Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater.  Audiobook.  I’ve been waiting for this one since it was first announced.  Features the Ronan and his brothers from her “Raven Boys” series with, so far, only cameos from the other characters.


Preparing packages containing Wolf’s Soul, signed and personalized, to go out in the mail.

9 Responses to “FF: Where I Turn”

  1. Beverly Martin Says:

    This week I am reading The Catiline Conspiracy (SPQR #2) by John Maddox Roberts. I like Decius and really enjoy the Greek doctor.

    I am also reading Men At Arms (Discworld #15) by Terry Pratchett. Fun.

    I am happy to report my library has reopened, with restrictions. Amazon is going to miss all my book orders!

    • janelindskold Says:

      The doctor is a great way to introduce forensics, isn’t it?

      Our library has reopened also. And authors will also miss your book orders. Unlike some nations, in the U.S. authors receive no additional compensation for books circulating. Book goes out 1,000 times, still one sale, and most libraries insist on deep discounts.

  2. King Ben's Grandma Says:

    I am still reading Wolf’s Soul. My reader informs me I’m 85% through. I am very happy to be reading again, even if it’s only two or three pages before sleep takes me into dreamland.

    I am also still writing every day. Two and a half months of daily writing is amazing to me. What amazes me more is that people enjoy reading what I write. It’s a nice feeling.

    Looking forward to holding the actual book of Wolf’s Soul. Ebooks are nice, but nothing beats the feel and the smell of a book.

    • janelindskold Says:

      Your signed and personalized copy of Wolf’s Soul is on its way.

      I’m really happy to hear that writing is providing you with honest pleasure. That’s terrific! I’ve read some of your posts, but I haven’t kept up with all…

  3. James Mendur Says:

    About the furball in the sink: I’ve always wondered at that. If cats love sinks and boxes so much, why aren’t cat beds shaped like sinks and boxes? They all seem to be shaped like what a human would want to sleep in.

    Finished “The Maltese Falcon” by Dashiell Hammett. Then I watched all three movie versions of it. The John Huston film with Bogart as Sam Spade is definitely the best version, albeit a little hampered by the Hays Code forcing them to delete several scenes from the book. The book fills in a lot of the background detail which explains scenes that don’t make a ton of sense in the movies (why Spade wasn’t even a little upset when Archer died). Kinda like reading the Harry Potter books vs. seeing the movies.

    Began reading Hammett’s “The Thin Man” – it’s slow going. The movie is definitely better than the book, but I’m curious to see how the book handles the mystery. (Also, it’s fun that in the books, Asta is a female schnauzer, not a male wire fox terrier.)

    After that, it’s back to short stories for a while. I recently got another anthology issue – “Fiction River Presents – Mysterious Women.”

    • janelindskold Says:

      Actually, a lot of cat beds are shaped like boxes. All our cat beds are rounded or oval baskets.

      Casting issues for dogs, too, huh? Well, I believe the original Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz was fair-haired, not dark. Sometimes you need to go for talent, not looks.

  4. Harried Harry Says:

    It’s always nice to read a book you haven’t read in a loooooong time. In my case, I found in my stash of books in the shop one by Andre Norton which I had never read. It’s called “The X Factor”. Pretty decent story even if the book is an original from ACE, published in 1961. I know the book is old since it still had the carboard insert for cigarettes inside.

    I also started to read another aged book (hardback no less) from Fred Saberhagen which is an omnibus of the Book of Swords (First, Second, and Third books). Interesting reading to say the least.

    Enjoy yourselves and stay safe.

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